3D-Sensor New Generation

The 3D-Sensor NG is a further development of our worldwide accepted and proven Universal 3D-Sensor. Its distinguishing features are improved mechanics and a new and compact design.

–  Compact and easy to grip casing, no restriction to working area
–  Precise display of spindle position with large 1/100 mm dial gauge (2 hands)
–  Utmost precision of 0,01 mm (when using original Haimer probe tips)
–  Marked overrun distance (safety distance)


–  Aligning machine spindles to work piece edges and reference edges (x-, y-, z-axis)
–  Set zeros
–  Centre borings and shafts
–  Measuring lengths and depths
–  Checking straightness and levelness of surfaces
–  Aligning work pieces and vices
–  Quick, without calculations, no mistakes with algebraic signs

Power Clamp Premium Plus

The Power Clamp
The Power Clamp Premium Plus is the high-end shrink fit device for absolute process reliability with two separate electronic units and two coils. The cooling bodies are fixed at linear guides. For the cooling process they are exactly centered put on the hot shrink fit chuck. The cool down phase is terminated temperature controlled automatically.
–  With intelligent coil VS32h and 20kW coil
–  No damage at the edges of the cutting tool
–  Warning signals at hot tool holders (green/red lights)
–  Automatic move-up of the cooling bodies after the termination of the cooling process (temperature controlled)
–  Two length presetting units with height stop
–  Tools: Solid carbide and HSS from Ø 3-50 mm

Haimer | Tool Dynamic 2010 Automatic

We take balancing to the next level: faster, better, more efficient!
The new Tool Dynamic TD 2010 Automatic is a truly universal CNC-based balancing machine with automated correction of the unbalance. The Tool Dynamic TD 2010 Automatic automatically compensates the unbalance in one or two planes by drilling, milling or grinding. The machine can work vertically and horizontally. The balancing machine is controlled by an integrated 19’’ touch-screen. The numerical control is a Siemens based 840DSL, which can be accessed simultaneously with the balancing software.

Automatic Balancing – that’s how it works!
After measuring the unbalance the software calculates how deep the machine must drill, mill or grind in order to compensate the unbalance. The balancing spindle turns into the correct position. The integrated CNC unit moves to the pre-selected balancing plane and automatically removes the appropriate amount of material. Done.
Balancing could not be any quicker or easier. Errors, such as those caused by incorrect marking on the tool holder or through inadvertently incorrect drilling depths are no longer an issue.

–  Measures and compensates unbalance in one step
–  Rapid, easy and economic
–  No incorrect drilling on the rotor
–  Integration into automatic production lines is possible
–  Specific software for particular methods of balancing available
Tool Dynamic TD 2010 Automatic – automatic vertical CNC based balancing machine: Maximum of comfort, process reliability with highest efficiency and precision.

Troubleshooting Electrical Circuits Edu Training Kit

Troubleshooting electrical circuits Edu Training Kit ini adalah media pengajaran untuk melatih kemampuan dalam menganalisa dan mencari penyebab kerusakan pada suatu electrical circuit
Troubleshooting Electrical Circuits Edu Training Kit
Troubleshooting Electrical Circuits Edu Training Kit

Mounting and Dismounting Bearing

Mounting and Dismounting Bearing Edu Training Kit
Basic Maintenance Programe

Adalah alat media pengajaran untuk mempelajari, mengidentifikasi, menginstallasi dan membuka berbagai macam bearing.
Unit ini dilengkapi dengan berbagai macam latihan sehingga peserta didik mendapatkan dasar-dasar perawatan bearing di industri dengan baik dan benar
Mounting and Dismounting Bearing Basic Maintenance Programe
Mounting Dismounting Basic Maintenance Programe
Mounting Discmounting Basic Maintenance Programe

Pressure Pump Installation Kits Edu Training

Pump Installation Kits Edu Training
Basic Maintenance Programe
Pump Installation Kits adalah  media pengajaran untuk mempelajari dan membuktikan rumus-rumus fluida cair yang berhubungan dengan konsumsi energi Listrik
Pressure Pump Instalation kits

Coupling Alignment Kit Edu Training

Coupling Alignment Kit Edu Training
Basic Maintenance Programe
Coupling Alignment Kit Edu Training adalah media pengajaran untuk memberikan keterampilan set-up kesumbuan dua buah poros sampai tidak terjadi vibrasi diluar batas dan coupling tidak cepat rusak.
Coupling Alignment Kit Edu Training
Coupling Alignment Kit Edu Training

Gear Alignment Kit Edu Training

Gear Alignment Kit Edu Training
Basic Maintenance Programe

Gear Alignment Kit Edu Training adalah media pengajaran untuk menjelaskan kontruksi dan perhitungan roda gigi dan set-up roda gigi yang baik dan benar
Gear Alignment Kit Edu Training
Gear Alignment Kit Edu Training

Chain & Sprocket Alignment Kit Edu Training

Chain & Sprocket Alignment Kit Edu Training
Basic Maintenance Programe
Chain & Sprocket Kit Edu Training adalah media pengajaran untuk menjelaskan Fungsi, set-up, dan cara pemeliharaan chain & sprocket ini sebagai media penerus putaran
Chain and Sprocket Alignment Kit Edu Training
Chain and Sprocket Alignment Kit Edu Training

Belt Alignment Kit Edu Training

Belt Alignment Kit Edu Training


Basic Maintenance Programe
Belt Alignment Kit Edu Training adalah media pengajaran untuk mempelajari set-up kesejajaran, kekencangan  belt berdasarkan perhitungan rumus sehingga bisa mendapatkan keterampilan pemasangan belt yang baik dan benar.

Teaching Aid Modul Programmable Logic Control

Teaching Aid Modul Programmable Logic Control

Teaching Aid Instalasi Listrik

Teaching Aid Instalasi Listrik

Teaching Aid Teknik Digital

Teaching Aid Teknik Digital

Teaching Aid Modul Sistem Control

Teaching Aid Modul Sistem Control

Teaching Aid Modul Mikroprosessor dan Interface

Teaching Aid Modul Mikroprosessor dan InterfaceTeaching Aid Modul Sistem Control

Teaching Aid Daya Lengkap

Teaching Aid Daya Lengkap
Untuk informasi lebih lanjut email kami di alamat yang tertera di brosur

Teaching Aid Rangkaian Analog

Teaching Aid Rangkaian Analog
Untuk keterangan lebih lanjut hubungi Office@aransa.co.id

Teaching Aid Rangkaian Elektrik

  Teaching Aid Rangkaian Elektrik